Hello all, This post is going to be on Studio Apartments. Before reading my post of 2019, wishing you very happy year and my...
RERA - Real Estate Regulatory Authority - Quick points to understand what is all about and how it helps and protects Indian consumers against...
Hello Everyone, Many months back, I wrote a post on VGP Greenland, which is located at Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai. you can read the post here. https://saichu.in/dev/maraimalai-nagar-vgp-greenland-karumbur-village/ This...
New Home Buying Trends Innovations in Design high-tech, automated designs Green and Eco friendly homes Energy efficient tools State of the art amenities Open Spaces...
Few months back, there was a 12 year old property, built by a reputed builder came for resale and my friend suggested me to...
45, 000 + Visits and 11, 000 Unique Visitors In short span, less than 6 months of launch, our blog (saichu.in) has reached, quickly attracting 11,...

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